More rooms

Master bedroom – more or less finished, I hope (still need carpet or, even better, wooden floors painted white).

Washing up area – the picture is out of focus, but now we have a ironing board and a pile of just ironed clothes. Something I wouldn’t be so crazy to do in real life, though.

Kitchen! I regret having bought those real terracota tiles. They are very expensive and I still need lots of them to finish the room. Plus, they’re a bugger to deal with, very fragile. A bit late to change my mind, though – these ones have already been glued in place.

The wall to the right isn’t the “real” one. When there’s a real wall there, it will separate the kitchen from the downstairs loo.

A dollie feast! All these pieces (except the chopping board) are Sylvanian Families. I would never think they’d be so perfect in size for 1/12 stuff. Another batch just out of the aga – hot muffins, anyone?

(Aug 10, 2008)

Reutter minis.

Finally got my fingers on some Reutter Porzellan miniatures. Just to give you an idea on how small they are…

Some quick pictures of the bathroom in progress. I still need a mirror, a loo roll and some shelves, maybe. The tiny brushes and the soap just kill me and the brush holder has to be my favorite detail.

(August 13, 2008)